The image above, titled 'Wrinkles 1,' was recently accepted into The 30th Annual American Greetings Fine Arts Show at The Bonfoey Gallery in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. To do this piece, I crumpled up a fabric sheet until it looked pleasing, drew a tight sketch on paper, and rendered the final result in scratchboard. It was done over a long period and was satisfying to see completed. Here's a close-up view:

The show runs from July 24th to August 9th, 2009, so swing by The Bonfoey if you're in the area!
Prints of this image available here.
I really wish this piece would have placed in the competition. Pretty awesome. Deserves it. I can't wait to see it in the gallery! Congratulations, David! I'm proud of you, as always. :)
thats sick man...awesome piece!
The shading and the wrinkles on this piece are excellent and wonderfully rendered. Very beautiful work.
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