Thursday, September 27, 2012


Illustration Friday's topic of the week, 'Crooked,' gave me the excuse to draw a crooked path just for the heck of it, and then draw a character that really seems to be Little Red Riding Hood. I'm not sure what's going on with that, or why she's walking towards a castle. Any ideas?

Prints of this image available here.


Anonymous said...

Love the colors and setting. Beautiful work.

Anonymous said...

Nice job, David! I'll be thinking what story I can write around this image. Inspires a story, for sure!! Little Red Riding Hood meets Sleeping Beauty :)

Unknown said...

I forgot to ask, is that full color or just red/yellow/black?

Unknown said...

OH...I see my first bit didn't work... :(

Here tis again-

YO DAVID!!! Very nice job! It reminds me of the really cool mid 60 Barbara Remington psychedelic Lord Of The Rings covers :D

Still no Facebook? I wouldn't have seen this if Wendy hadn't posted it. I'm not cool and I'm on FB :)

Jeff Harter said...

Here's an idea for you Dave, get an agent and start working on Children's books! These are great.